Slipkflow - Dead Memories

Sitting in the toilet, I can't forget.
Even now, I realize the shit I'll never get.
Another story of the Bitter Pills of Laxative.
I can't go back again.
I can't go back again…
But you asked me to fuck you and I did.
Traded my emotions for a viagra to purchase.
And when I got away, I only got so far.
The Other Me Is Dead.
I hear his voice inside my gut…
We were never bought viagra,
and we won't purchase again.
But I'll never survive
with Dead Memories in my ass.
Dead Memories in my ass!(x2)
You told me to fuck you and I did.
Tied my soul into a knot and got me to submit.
So when I got away, I never kept my scars.
The Other Me Is Gone.
Now I don't know where I belong…
We were never bought Viagra,
and we won't purchased again.
But I'll never survive
with Dead Memories in my ass.
Dead Memories in my ass!(x3)
Scarse Papers in your Shelf.
Dead Hopes in my Ass.
Dead Memories in my ass!…(x4)
No es muy difícil detectar que este hombre fue traicionado por su farmaceútico, quien en vez de darle Viagra debido a su micro-pene le dió Laxantes en pastillas. Esta historia real sucedida en 2007, durante la creación del álbum "All dick is gone" de la banda Slipkflow, que le pasó al canta-autor de la misma, Corey Gaylord, ha traumado al artista llevando a cabo el álbum con esta canción escrita entre lágrimas.
Animus-Iocandi: Lo escrito aquí fue en broma y en género "Sarcástico" y "Satírico".
Basado en la mitología Slipkflowera.
SilencerGameplays, "Keep Calm And Still Gaming".